Corflex Inc - Application Instuctions

Proper application of any extrication collar requires two individuals. The first rescuer should maintain stabilization and neutral alignment of the head and neck by grasping the head with a spread finger technique.
1. The second rescuer should slide the front of the collar along the patient’s chest and position the chin piece. The collar body should rest on the top of the patient’s shoulder and against the sternum without gaps (Figure 16). The patient’s chin must rest securely in the chin piece in neutral alignment position.
2. While holding the front of the collar in place, wrap the back of the collar around the back of the patient’s head and neck and secure to the front of the collar with the Velcro tab.)
3. Adjust the Velcro tab as necessary by holding the front cutout of the collar and tightening the Velcro tab.
4. Adjustment of the size of the collar may be done on the patient as per your local protocol.

669 East Industrial Park Drive - Manchester, NH 03109
Phone (603) 623-3344 - Fax (603) 623-4111

© Corflex | The advice and information contained in this document is not intended as a substitute for medical counseling.
If you have any questions about treatment for a specific condition, please check with a health care professional.